FilmFest Ghent 2018: closing night
Yesterday, we went to the closing night of FilmFest Ghent:

If you want to know which movies won the film festival, please visit our wil-low.com filmfest page.
This is the list of the movies we watched:
- October 8: Mug (***)
- October 8: Transit (**)
- October 9: CapharnaĆ¼m (*****)
- October 9: At Eternity's Gate (**)
- October 9: 3 Days in Quiberon (***)
- October 9: Girl (****)
- October 10: Loro (**)
- October 10: Coureur (****)
- October 10: Kursk (***)
- October 10: Duelles (****)
- October 11: Over water (***)
- October 11: The Old Man & the Gun (****)
- October 11: Climax (***)
- October 11: The Miseducation of Cameron Post (***)
- October 11: Funan (***)
- October 12: Carmen & Lola (****)
- October 12: Leto (**)
- October 12: Matangi/Maya/M.I.A. (***)
- October 13: Wildlife (***)
- October 13: Genezis (***)
- October 13: Flammable Children (***)
- October 13: Les Fauves (**)
- October 14: "I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians" (**)
- October 14: Gordon and Paddy (**)
- October 14: The 12th Man (****)
- October 14: Danmark (*)
- October 15: The Sisters Brothers (****)
- October 15: The Favourite (****)
- October 15: Cold War (****)
- October 16: Ash is the Purest White (**)
- October 16: Bad Times at the El Royale (***)
- October 16: McQueen (****)
- October 16: The Kindergarten Teacher (**)
- October 17: High Life (***)
- October 17: Fatwa (*****)
- October 18: Shoplifters (***)
- October 18: Becoming Astrid (***)
- October 18: Putin's Winesses (*)
- October 18: Vision (*)
- October 19: Life Itself (****)
- October 19: Das schweigende Klassenzimmer (****)
- October 19: Beautiful Boy (***)
Summarized: the movies I like the most were CapharnaĆ¼m and Fatwa. Then there were Girl, Coureur, Duelles, The Old Man & the Gun, Carmen & Lola, The 12th Man, The Sisters Brothers, The Favourite, Cold War, McQueen, Life Itself, Das Schweigende Klassenzimmer, which are 12 movies that I gave 4 stars. I gave 16 movies 3 stars. AS far "bad" movies: there were 9 movies I didn't like that much (**), and 3 that I really disliked (*).