Bruno Lowagie wrote two books for Manning Publications Co. and five self-published books. He also contributed stories to anthologies by EdgeZero, Godijn Publishing, LetterRijn and various other publishers.
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Bruno wrote the books "iText in Action" (ISBN 978-19-32394-79-5; 2007) and "iText in Action (Second Edition)" (ISBN 978-19-35182-61-0; 2010) for Manning Publications. He explained how to use the open-source PDF library iText (versions 2 and 5) in these books. The books are obsolete today because the iText API has changed significantly.
[978-10-06996-36-8; May 2021]
A five-star autobiography about entrepreneurship.
[ISBN 978-10-34759-37-9; December 2020]
Bruno wrote dozens of short stories in English to prepare for his magnum opus "Entreprenerd." This book bundels 28 of those stories.
[ISBN 978-17-14675-10-4; April 2020]
To prepare for "Entreprenerd," Bruno wrote the story of iText in Dutch. "Entreprenerd" isn't a translation of "Gebeten"; Bruno looks at "Gebeten" as a first draft for "Entreprenerd." This book is no longer available.
[ISBN 978-17-14619-33-7; April 2020]
In 2008, Bruno's son was diagnosed with cancer. "Nijlpaard voor Kerstmis" is the autobiographical story of one year in hospital. The revenue of this book goes entirely to charity. You can order it from Kinderkankerfonds or Cum Cura.
[ISBN 978-16-16276-59-1; September 2019]
In this book, Bruno bundled 38 short stories that he wrote for several writing contests while preparing to write "Gebeten." This book is no longer available.
[Verkrijgbaar bij Poespa Producties; september 2024] Bevat de bijdragen Spookdiagram, De interventie, Seance, Kattenkwaad, De ballade van Sarah Winchester, Dode mensen en Schrijnwerk.
[ISBN 978-9493096288; 28 December 2024; verkrijgbaar bij Bol (eBoekversie) en Amazon (paperback)]
Bevat het verhaal 'De genadeslager' (NL24-043).
[ISBN 978-9493096202; 14 juni 2024 ; Verkrijgbaar bij Bol (eBoekversie) en Amazon (paperback)]
Bevat de verhalen 'De aarde draait door' (NL24-003) en 'Afscheid van een heldin' (NL19-002).
[Verkrijgbaar bij die Keure; maart 2023] Met een brief van Bruno over drie lessen die hij over ondernemen leerde door naar de serie House MD te kijken.
Godijn Publishing organizes three writing contests a year and (usually) publishes the best twenty five stories in an anthology.
Historical fiction
[ISBN 978-94-93266-18-6; November 2021] Bruno's story "Sakura" won 11th place.
[ISBN 978-94-93157-67-5; Oktober 2020] Bruno's story "Het land van de vrijheid" won 23rd place.
[ISBN 978-94-93157-09-5; October 2019] Bruno's story "Jonker Galgenaas" won 8th place.
Science Fiction & Fantasy
[ISBN 978-94-93157-37-8; March 2020] Bruno's story "Spiegelpunt" won 19th place.
[ISBN 978-94-93266-91-9]; May 2022] Bruno's stories "Zelfhulpgroep voor pyromanen" and "De tranen van Cyrano" were selected for publication
[ISBN 978-94-93266-46-9; December 2021] Bruno's story "Aantwaarken" was selected for publication
[ISBN 978-94-93266-13-1; October 2021] Bruno's story "Zolang de schapen blaten" won 12th place.
[ISBN 978-94-93157-82-8; November 2020] Bruno's story "Omwille van Melrose" won 8th place.
[ISBN 978-94-91875-92-2; November 2019] This book features Bruno's story "De houdbaarheid van rattenvergif" (nominated in the writing contest "Met de beste bedoelingen").
[ISBN 978-94-93192-45-4; November 2022] This book features Bruno's story "De vergeten moord" (nominated in the writing contest "Black-Out").
[ISBN 978-94-93210-97-4; September 2021] This book features Bruno's story "De ex-minnaar" (nominated in the writing contest "Zondagsverhalen").
[ISBN 978-94-93275-52-2; November 2022] This book features Bruno's story "De archipel" (nominated in the writing contest "Eilanders").
[ISBN 978-94-03686-22-6; januari 2023] contains Bruno's stories "Verloren paradijs" and "De sterfelijke god"
[ISBN 978-90-90312-55-2; January 2019] This book (written by Eric Kenis) features a chapter contributed by Bruno Lowagie about iText Group.
Two short stories were published in anthologies by Sweek.
A 55-word story was published in the anthology "55 woordenverhalen - Ultrakorte verhalen voor onderweg en tussendoor deel 4" published by