Entreprenerd Book Sales

It's time for my monthly blog about the sales of my book, Entreprenerd. May wasn't a bad month, given that the book is now more than a year old. The most remarkable event of the past month are the extra 4-star reviews the book received on Goodreads. The book has 16 votes, with an average score of 4.38 stars (out of 5). That's a great score.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: monthly sales (number of books)

I have now sold a total of 643 copies: 99 hardcovers, 248 eBooks, and 296 paperbacks.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: Types

This is the same pie chart, now with more detail with respect to the sales channel:

Book Sales Entreprenerd: channels

The previous pie charts were drawn based on the number of books sold, but let's also take a look at the distribution of the revenue over these different channels:

Book Sales Entreprenerd: royalty distribution / channel

I have been experimenting with the pricing of the book. This is reflected in a chart that shows the average royalty revenue per month per channel. Currently, I get the highest royalty when people buy the paperback on Amazon. In the past, I received a higher royalty when people bought the hardcover, but unfortunately, Blurb increased the print cost of the book significantly.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: royalty / book / month

The total royalty revenue is now 3,972.06 euro. As explained before, this is a result calculated using fixed exchange rates. I didn't take into account that I now get more euros for my dollars.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: monthly sales (royalty revenue)

Note that part of the revenue I mention is "virtual". There is always a delay in payments (e.g. so that I don't get paid when someone returns the book). In some cases I only get paid if a certain minimum threshold is reached. The actual (and correct) revenue so far is €3,681.69.

Topics: entreprenerd


Book cover Entreprenerd
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Cover Onvoltooid Toekomstige Tijd


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