Entreprenerd Book Sales

Today is the first anniversary of the book release of my book Entreprenerd, Building a Multi-Million-Dollar Business with Open Source Software.

Last month, I wrote that March 2022 was the worst month in terms of sales. Now I can write that April 2022 was the best month. One glance at the overview of monthly sales is sufficient to understand what happened: I was asked as a speaker at an event and the organization decided to offer a paperback copy of my book to every attendee. This resulted in the sale of 200 copies at once.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: monthly sales (number of books)

Obviously, this completely changed the distribution "hardcover versus paperback versus eBook". I have now sold a total of 627 copies: 98 hardcovers, 237 eBooks, and 292 paperbacks.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: Types

Sales through Amazon dropped from 48.2% to 33.5% of all my sales.
Personal sales increased from 8.3% to 37.3%.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: channels

Because the organization that asked me as a speaker bought 200 copies at once, I gave them a significant reduction. This is reflected in the difference between the percentage of paperback sales in terms of number of copies (33.0%) versus the percentage in terms of royalty revenue (31.6%).

Book Sales Entreprenerd: royalty distribution / channel

Despite this reduction, I still made 5.89 euro in royalties on each copy.

Last month, I also announced a price increase for the paper copy when sold online. You can already see the result of this price increase when you look at May 2022.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: royalty / book / month

The total royalty revenue is now 3,881.89 euro. As explained before, this is a result calculated using fixed exchange rates. I didn't take into account that I now get more euros for my dollars.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: monthly sales (royalty revenue)

I am still a couple of thousands of euros away from break-even. This is an overview of the money I spent to create the book:

The grand total is 6,381 euro, which means that I am still about 2,500 euro away from breaking even. Note that I am not counting the cost of the hours I spent writing the book. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about that ;-)

Topics: entreprenerd


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