Entreprenerd Book Sales

March 2022 was the worst month in terms of sales since my book Entreprenerd was released. I only sold 9 copies. Adding the 4 sales in the first 9 days of April, I have now sold 411 copies in total.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: monthly sales (number of books)

So far, I've sold 224 eBooks, 89 paperbacks and 98 hardcovers.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: Types

Amazon is now responsible for 48.2% of all my sales (versus 47.5% last month). That percentage doesn't include the hardcover version which is distributed through the Global Retail Network. The actual percentage may even be higher.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: channels

The royalty per book per channel per month doesn't vary that much anymore.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: royalty / book / month

The monthly royalty revenue dropped from 109€ to 50€. I already made about 25€ in the first 9 days of April, but I am really looking forward to a bigger deal in May.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: monthly sales (royalty revenue)

Although Amazon is responsible for 48.2% of my sales expressed in numbers of copies, it only accounts for 41.2% of my revenue in royalties.

Book Sales Entreprenerd: royalty distribution / channel

My total royalty revenue for Entreprenerd is now at about 2,610 euro, of which I've already been paid about 2,310 euro. I use the word about because I get reports in different currencies (euro, American and Canadian dollar, rupee...) but I convert that revenue using a factor that is constant (while the exchange rate changes from day to day).

Now that the sales of my book have dropped that dramatically, I am considering increasing the prices so that I get a higher royalty for each book. I will introduce this change in a couple of weeks. If you still want a copy at the current price, you will have to hurry.

Topics: entreprenerd


Book cover Entreprenerd
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Cover Onvoltooid Toekomstige Tijd


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